Teaching Treasures Publications
Assess Competency
This English and Maths resource will build upon alphabet and number skills. Develop communication and listening skills. Respond to basic instructions. Develop skills in viewing, reading and writing letters and text.
Work with and understand basic mathematical numbers and concepts. Reason and use mathematical strategies. Develop basic knowledge of shapes. Develop basic knowledge of number patterns. Develop skills in addition and subtraction.
ISBN 9781876893606
Our Colourful Language
Every language in the world is colorful and a treasure to explore. Rhyming, homophones, and antonyms form an everyday part of any language.
Rhyming is often used in teaching young children and is very effective. Not only is it effective in teaching children their language structure it is also a fun way to present a lesson. Teachers and parents alike have used rhyming in many books and games to achieve good academic results for very young children over decades…. if not centuries.
Perhaps the terminology of homophones is used in a different sense in your country but that does not diminish the use of these words. For example, the English meaning of the word homonym are words that are spelt the same and sound the same but mean something totally different. You may know some words such as saw (as in seeing with your eyes) or saw (as in using a tool in cutting through timber).
However, in certain countries the word homonym means a word identical with another in pronunciation, but differing from it in spelling and meaning. For example fair - fare, read - reed; also called homophone (homonym is less commonly used interchangeably with homograph). It can also be a word identical with another in spelling and pronunciation, but differing from it in origin and meaning, For example: butter - the food, and butter - one who butts.
First time teachers sometimes overlook antonyms. However, antonyms are very important and quite often used by students without even realizing that they are actually using an antonym. Basically, an antonym is an opposite such as dark – light, or dead – alive.
This resource is for those who enjoy language as a whole, for those who want to be colorful when they communicate with others, and for those who wish to either learn or teach rhyming, homophones and antonyms.
Maths Level 2
Great resource to have on-hand for those spare moments!
If you enjoyed Big Book of Maths Level 1 then you will definitely want to add this one to your collection. The second level in our Big Book of Maths series is another ideal resource to build upon and improve already learned skills in mathematics.
Each individual worksheet is tailored to encourage further knowledge on the outcome covered. Roman Numerals, Problem Solving, Fractions, Percentages, Column Graph, Multiplications, Subtractions, Divisions, Money, Currency, Charts, Patterns, Mixed Equations, Measurements and more.
Year 1 Sight Words
Explore Mathematics
Highly Recommended to improve Logical thinking, Addition, Subtraction, Division, Multiplication, Roman numerals, Time, Measurement, Fractions, Percentages, Shapes, Currencies, Money, Problem solving, Mathematical abbreviations, Tables, Patterns, Graphs, Decimals, Calculator skills, Internet skills, Spelling, Alphabetical order, Reading, and Writing.
Mathematics is one of the most important subjects to teach. You have to remember that each child learns at a different rate so bear that in mind when using any of these worksheets. Children of all ages really enjoy a hands-on approach and short, targeted games are an excellent way to teach number strategies.
As a teacher or parent you need to teach mathematical numbers and concepts, to develop knowledge of shapes, number patterns and skills in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. This workbook covers some of the basics of the first few years of learning maths.
Maths Level 1
Improve: Addition, fractions, percentages, column graphs, multiplications, subtractions, money, measurements, length, weight, use of calculators, true or false multiple choice questions, roman numerals, shapes such as circle, hexagon, parallelogram, diamond, rectangle, pentagon, trapezoid, square, and octagon.
Truck Trouble
A simple yet very effective resource to challenge students' imagination. Encourages reading and can develop points of discussion if desired. Covers several learning outcomes in;
English: reading, writing, spelling, story reading comprehension, recognizing homophones, drawing conclusions, reasoning and arriving at one’s own opinion.
Mathematics: problem solving, money, percentages, fractions, basic shapes etc.
Art: develop 3D skills, proportion, using recycled materials.
Environment: recycling, waste, looking at environmental solutions.
Technology: develop Internet skills & investigations, total 20 pages.
Includes answer key.
Science Skills
Enjoy Science Skills with many topics to discover such as pneumatic's, reflexes, tsunami, hurricanes, bacteria, enzymes, krypton, jade etc. Crossword puzzles, questionnaires, discovery research worksheets and more.
No teacher or parent should be without this wonderful resource to encourages children into learning areas they didn't know existed. Provide a challenge and get the inquisitive mind provoked to the max!
Read & Write Level 2
Read & Write Level 2 is a great follow up resource from level 1. Continue to build upon those English skills and improve reading, writing, comprehension, and spelling.
While you help your students improve reading, writing and spelling skills with these worksheets you are encouraging comprehension skills through the forming of sentences that make sense in every day life. Perfect addition to Read & Write Level 1 and a lead-up to level 3. Also suitable for ESL students.
ages 11-12+
Title: Teaching Treasures Workbook with Christian Content
Description: Improve ideas, skills, techniques, and processes while observing and drawing architecture. Learn about primary colours and how one particular colour effects moods. Delve into mapping and musical instruments, learn abbreviations and symbols using dictionary skills and investigate survival skills, categorize while building upon reading, writing, spelling and comprehension skills.
History, geography, economy and society are ideal collaborative learning projects for students while learning about health of individuals and populations. Within the English area students will improve concepts such as common irregular verbs, words that don't belong, phobias and collectors, professions, and correct grammar.
Health education is covered with the identification of burns and emergency procedures, health of individuals & populations, artificial colours and preservatives in food products, the benefits of fruit and vegetables, germ carriers, and the human skeleton.
LOTE covers the Dutch and French languages and topics while Mathematical issues cover a wide range of learning areas including working with time, measurement, head calculations and looking at GST, shapes and colours, space, number, chance and data, and weights.
Expand scientific knowledge with biological, chemical, earth and space, and physical issues while learning about animal gender, animal categories, the weather, and parts of a tree. Students research world wide locations and country flags to improve geography, history, economy & society skills. Technology improves student skills as they investigate computers, look at international foods, countries and collect data, learn about natural resources and simple machines.
Improve ideas, skills, techniques, and processes within the learning areas of English, Maths, Art, Science, Technology, Health Education, Languages other than English (LOTE), and Society and Environment (SOSE).
Contains additional teacher help notes, answer keys, outcome statements, extra suggested curricula activities complementing the worksheets, and 50 suggested Bible passages to read (your own Bible is required for this).
Format: eBook pdf
Define Proficiency
It's All Here & More!
Improve ideas, skills, techniques, and processes while observing and drawing architecture. Learn about primary colours and how one particular colour effects moods. Delve into mapping and musical instruments, learn abbreviations and symbols using dictionary skills and investigate survival skills, categorize while building upon reading, writing, spelling and comprehension skills.
History, geography, economy and society are ideal collaborative learning projects for students while learning about health of individuals and populations. Within the English area the student will improve concepts such as common irregular verbs, words that don't belong, phobias and collectors, professions, and correct grammar.
Health education is covered with the identification of burns and emergency procedures, health of individuals & populations, artificial colours and preservatives in food products, the benefits of fruit and vegetables, germ carriers, and the human skeleton.
LOTE covers the Dutch and French languages and topics while Mathematical issues cover a wide range of learning areas including working with time, measurement, head calculations and looking at GST, shapes and colours, space, number, chance and data, and weights.
Expand scientific knowledge with biological, chemical, earth and space, and physical issues while learning about animal gender, animal categories, the weather, and parts of a tree. The student can research world wide locations and country flags to improve geography, history, economy & society skills.
Technology improves student skills as they investigate computers, look at international foods, countries and collect data, learn about natural resources and simple machines.
Improve ideas, skills, techniques, and processes within the learning areas of English, Maths, Art, Science, Technology, Health Education, Languages other than English (LOTE), and Society and Environment (SOSE).
Contains additional teaching help notes, answer keys, and extra suggested curricula activities also complement these worksheets.
World of Art
You can improve literacy skills by encouraging children to write notes on these lovely printables to mum, dad or grandma. Can be integrated with your existing themes. Print a worksheet that matches your current lesson plan and enhance your lessons!
You can never have to many resources on hand for young learners and this is one of them!
Illustrator, Author & Graphic Artist Jessica Griggs/Bidewell has done a superb job on these unique illustrations. Children from all over the world love her work so why not join them and grab this resource to enhance your lessons.
Maths Skills Series 2
Maths Skills Level 2 is designed to further student’s calculation efficiency within their understanding of mathematics. Twenty mixed equations are provided on each worksheet to advance student learning across a wide range of mathematical outcomes.
Head calculations are encouraged however, a calculator may be used. Resource is very suitable for group performance as well as the individual student.
Covers Logical thinking, Addition, Subtraction, Division, Multiplication, Roman numerals, Measurement, Monetary Units, Decimals, Weights, Powers, Rounding.
Includes answer key.
Literacy Skills
Student + FREE Teacher Manual
Literacy Skills for Growing MindsWho is it for?
The learner workbook was specifically written with the learner (whose language is not English) in mind. Immigrants, refugees, Indigenous, and even learners with learning disabilities such as autism were kept in mind while writing these worksheets. Basically, any learner who wishes to improve on some very basic English language skills would benefit from this workbook. It would be easier if there is a teacher present who can explain some processes therefore I have provided the teacher manual to help those who want to help other J
What age group is it for?
Like I said, the workbook can be for any age if their first language is not English. It is the basics of the basics for adult learners while it may be challenging for younger learners.The How to Manual will provide you with a general idea of how to use the worksheets found in the student workbook English Literacy for Growing Minds
Each How To worksheet is covered with a description of what the student should do. General extra suggested ideas and activities are also found on some of these pages although not necessary to complete. These are optional as an extra activity and could enhance student learning.
An image is shown on each How To page which corresponds to the student worksheet to complete.
No allotted time has been set to complete each worksheet as students all learn at a different rate and setting time limits can cause unnecessary stress for some learners. However, if you are bound to a time schedule then of course you would need to set your own time limit according to what you believe is an adequate amount of time for the student to complete the worksheet.
Learners can complete these worksheets on their own or you may form pairs to help slower learners take advantage of a fellow student’s ability to help him or her with the tasks set before them.
Although some worksheets may seem simple, it is your responsibility to build upon each worksheet by explaining what students are going to learn and how this will benefit them in every day life. Pronunciation is important and it is expected that you will pronounce the words correctly in English so that learners will have the full benefit from these exercises.Spelling Level 2
A follow-up resource from Spelling with Sea Creatures Level 1
It doesn't matter if students haven't completed level 1 as this resource is used by many as a stand-alone learning material. Continue with English reading, writing, spelling and comprehension skills.
Students will sky rocket with this specially designed resource illustrating beautiful sea creatures. Special spelling words and rhyming all form part of this resource which will engage students in fun learning.
Bridging the Learning Gap
Bridging the learning gap comprises of six, 90 minutes, fun English grammar lessons using paper, oral and Internet based methods. These simple, effective lessons are easy to follow, step by step instructional activities for primary school students. Ideal for teachers, or parents, who wish to teach or re-enforce some basic grammar.
Mix auditory, visual and hands-on techniques to improve and build upon children's weaknesses or skill gaps rather than sticking to one method only. Thoroughly tested on numerous students between the ages six and fourteen. Use the lessons over six days, six weeks or incorporate two lessons in one week. It is totally flexible to suit your teaching schedule.
Age Group: Middle to Upper Primary School
Content: What is grammar? Parts of speech - nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, interjections. Flash cards. Review 'grammar flash cards'. Capital letters & flash cards. Story reading with corresponding 'capital letters' worksheets. Internet. Review 'parts of speech' & 'capital letters'. Introduction of spelling and dictionary usage with corresponding worksheets. Singular and plural rules with corresponding worksheets. Introduction of commas - question marks & exclamation marks. Story reading, oral comprehension using the Internet.
Bridging the Learning Gap Contents | |
Lesson Plan 1 | What is grammar? Parts of speech - nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, interjections. Flash cards. |
Lesson Plan 2 | Review 'grammar flash cards'. Capital letters & flash cards. Story reading with corresponding 'capital letters' worksheets. Internet. |
Lesson Plan 3 | Review 'parts of speech' & 'capital letters'. Introduction of spelling and dictionary usage with corresponding worksheets. |
Lesson Plan 4 | Review 'parts of speech' & 'capital letters'. Singular and plural rules with corresponding worksheets. |
Lesson Plan 5 | Review 'parts of speech'. Introduction of commas - question marks & exclamation marks. |
Lesson Plan 6 | Review lessons 1 - 5 with complementing fun activities. Story reading, oral comprehension using the Internet. |
Kindy Sight Words
Positive & Negative Calculations
Highly Recommended! Learn about positive and negative numbers. Worksheets are followed by review lessons to re-enforce what was previously learned. Examples and explanatory notes provided. No previous knowledge of positive and negative calculations required.
Not many students can get their head around positive and negative calculations and that's the reason why this little book will help you out enormously. No need to panic any longer, simply dig up this little gem and students will enjoy learning something that seemed so difficult with ease.