Our Colourful Language

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Every language in the world is colorful and a treasure to explore. Rhyming, homophones, and antonyms form an everyday part of any language.

Rhyming is often used in teaching young children and is very effective. Not only is it effective in teaching children their language structure it is also a fun way to present a lesson. Teachers and parents alike have used rhyming in many books and games to achieve good academic results for very young children over decades…. if not centuries.

Perhaps the terminology of homophones is used in a different sense in your country but that does not diminish the use of these words. For example, the English meaning of the word homonym are words that are spelt the same and sound the same but mean something totally different. You may know some words such as saw (as in seeing with your eyes) or saw (as in using a tool in cutting through timber).

However, in certain countries the word homonym means a word identical with another in pronunciation, but differing from it in spelling and meaning. For example fair - fare, read - reed; also called homophone (homonym is less commonly used interchangeably with homograph). It can also be a word identical with another in spelling and pronunciation, but differing from it in origin and meaning, For example: butter - the food, and butter - one who butts.

First time teachers sometimes overlook antonyms. However, antonyms are very important and quite often used by students without even realizing that they are actually using an antonym. Basically, an antonym is an opposite such as dark – light, or dead – alive.

This resource is for those who enjoy language as a whole, for those who want to be colorful when they communicate with others, and for those who wish to either learn or teach rhyming, homophones and antonyms.