Sites about... Vocational Guidance
What is your vocation? What is your job? If you are good at something and enjoy doing it; like art, writing, bricklaying, building, mechanical work, photography, cooking, nursing or whatever... it may just be your vocational choice for the future. Make sure to choose an area that you are interested in and enjoy doing, the area of choice may help you with your future employment. The following websites may be of help to you, also if you would like to work in another country, check out those links as well.
Jobs & Skills WA
Job Access (A free information and advice service about the employment of people with disability. JobAccess helps people with disability, employers, service providers and the community to access information about services, financial assistance and workplace solutions. You can find useful information about reasonable adjustments, disclosure of disability, disability employment case studies, tools and checklists.)
NSW State Training Services (Leads policy, planning, funding, regulation and advice on vocational education, training and employment to support economic, regional and community development and implement a world class vocational education and training system in New South Wales Australia)
Vocational Guidance Services (Aim to change lives and strengthens communities with services designed to enhance personal abilities, break down barriers to employment, and help the individual to realize their potential)